Corporations to cleaning toilets. Fine dining to peanut butter and jelly. Business trips in Italy to Wednesday gymnastics. Ah, yes, a true rags to riches story. A corporate business consultant to stay-at-home-dad, “The Staddy” is my story. The three children that I have the privilege of spending almost every second of my day with have become the best part of my resume.

We have a five-, three-, and one-year-old who assist me in testing Newton’s third law of motion. As a “Staddy” and somewhat a clean freak, I have battled maintaining the status of cleanliness that I desire in our home. I would run myself ragged following the path of destruction, picking up, wiping down all day, every day. My frustration level was at a nuclear level, and I hated my “new job.” This was not what I had in mind, and it definitely was not healthy for anyone.  

You know those pivotal moments in life where certain things come into focus, it clicks, and you realize your purpose? My days were full of tasks and checklists, not quality time. “The house can wait, your children won’t” opened my eyes. I finally found the balance of fun and functionality, household duties and wiping booties. I made a purposeful change to spend “real time” with our children. I created a schedule that fit my personality and provided time for cleaning and household responsibilities only when the kiddos were asleep or in mother’s day out (LOL), which freed up quality time. I made time for hiking, fishing, tool time, pretending, and even made our own cooking show. I may miss a load of laundry on “Wash Wednesday,” but it will still be there the next day. I won’t miss out on the few moments we have with our little tyrants.

When was the last time you sat down and actually colored in a coloring book with your kids?  When did you last turn off everything electronic and ask your children what they wanted to play?  I have worn more capes and had more tea parties than all of the super heroes and royalty combined.  We are outside, playing all the time. Our front yard has been a pirate ship, a baseball diamond, “Target,” the mall, and most importantly, a place where we say, “Remember when we…?”

“The house can wait, but your children won’t” may not be my first tattoo, but it is most definitely my anthem in everyday life. Thank you to my hard working, beautiful wife for trusting me to the most important job we have. Oh, and the kids are bathed and dinner is ready at 5:30 p.m.