Family Life

Rebecca Boudreaux

Seeing her patients’ faces as she hands them their babies for the first time is what Dr. Rebecca Boudreaux shares is the best part of her job. With their faces full of nothing but pure joy, it’s truly a special moment not only for her patients, but for her, too.

When Rebecca found out that she would be having children of her own, she was just as ecstatic and felt very blessed. Now a mother of three, Rebecca enjoys spending time with her family, baking delicious treats for them to enjoy, and indulging in Friends reruns.

What time is your alarm set for? Anytime between 5-5:45 a.m. It just depends on what time I have to be at the hospital. On the weekends, I let my son be my alarm clock, and then it’s usually never later than 6:30 a.m.

How did you meet your husband? We were set up on a blind date by mutual friends. We went to Roberto’s for dinner.

Three things you always have with you?  My phone, my day calendar, and a Diet Coke.

Three words to describe yourself? Loving, hardworking, and determined.

How would your friends describe you? Caring, loyal, and happy.

First thing you notice about people when you meet them? My eyes always tend to go straight to someone’s smile!

Most recent proud parenting moment? Our son was selected by his teachers to have pizza with his principal, because he exhibited positive traits of justice.

Last mommy fail? My daughter had just joined Girl Scouts, which she was so excited about. We had a conflict for the second meeting, and I forgot to rearrange so she could make it. We missed the meeting, and she was so upset.

How do you keep it all balanced? Prayer.

Number one rule that your kids aren’t allowed to break? Grace before meals.

Greatest thing about being a mom? The unconditional love children give you. Even on days when I am not at my best, my children blanket me with love.

If you could invite anyone over for dinner, who would you invite? I would invite my grandmother. She passed away 13 years ago. She was such a remarkable lady.

What’s something parents shouldn’t feel guilty about? Saying “no” to their children.

What good habit do you have that you would like to pass on to the kids? Compassion.

Bad habits you would not want to pass on? I hope my kids learn to not sweat the small stuff. Life is too short!

Hardest thing about being a mom? Letting go. Watching your children grow is perhaps the best thing about parenting, but it is still hard. Whether it’s my soon to be four-year-old starting “big school” or my son growing too old for jon jons, it is hard to watch your babies grow old.

Most treasured gift? My dad’s doctor bag. My dad was an orthopedic surgeon and passed away when I was a year and a half old. After I graduated from medical school, my mother gave me his doctor bag still filled with his instruments and supplies.

Superpower you wish you had? I would enjoy the ability to fly to Woman’s Hospital and fly home.

What’s one thing you must do every day or else you feel your day won’t be complete? Tell my children I love them.

What do you like to do as a family? We enjoy the Louisiana Arts and Science Museum in the morning and Tiger Stadium in the evening.

What’s your parenting style? My parenting style is authoritative. I try my hardest to offer warmth and support while being demanding of a level of behavioral control.

What’s one piece of advice you often give your children? If you put your shoes in your room after you take them off, you will always know where they are the next morning. Routinely one or more of my children spend 10 minutes every morning looking for a shoe.

How has parenthood changed you? I am far more patient.

What’s the best parenting advice you have ever received? Our role as parents is not to ensure our kids are happy; it’s to prepare them to find their own happiness. It’s okay to let kids fail. They will learn how to cope when things don’t go their way, and they will gain the self-confidence to try new things.

What’s one thing your kids have taught you? How to forgive. They get upset, and the next moment they forget about it. They forgive and forget so easily.

Fill in the blank!

Before kids, I never thought I would…think a mini van was a good idea.
The parenting item I couldn’t live without…my day calendar.
In my fridge, you will always find…gallons of milk.
Favorite movie growing up…Grease.
Favorite children’s book is…Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Growing up, I knew I wanted to…be a doctor and a mommy.
I like my coffee…two Splenda and a little cream.

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