As all the ghouls, goblins, and ghosts make their appearances this Halloween, remember that safety is the most important thing for our little trick-or-treaters. By following some of these simple safety tips, everyone can have a safe and totally awesome Halloween, filled with candy, costumes, and smiles!

Have A Plan

Before embarking on your journey, sit down with the family and map out your plans for the night. When everyone knows where the others will be and when they will be there, confusion and worry can be successfully avoided.

Make Smart Costume Choices

When dressing the little ones in their Minion gear or Batman cape, consider the safety of the costume. Could he trip? Can he see clearly? For darker costumes that may blend into the night, add reflective tape to increase visibility. While these may be things we don’t usually think about, they could be crucial later in the night.

Set Some Ground Rules

Children get so excited on this fun-filled night, so remind them of some basic rules while trick-or-treating. Always stay on the sidewalk and out of the way of cars. If no sidewalk is available, walk close to the edge of the road facing traffic so as to see it coming. Never cross the road without a parent or guardian. Only approach houses with a light on outside, and never go inside a house. These basics will go a long way toward keeping everyone safe.

Check The Candy

When you get home, and everyone wants to dig into the mountains of candy they have collected, take a moment to look through the candy. Remove any unwrapped and open candy, get rid of choking hazards, and consider food allergies.