I was asked to write about freedom and faith. I cannot think of any more relevant topic during this season in our country.

First, let’s establish what we mean by faith. One of the simplest and best definitions I’ve ever heard is that faith is believing in what I cannot see because of what I can see. On the surface, that may be a struggle, but think of it in terms of what you have seen.

For me, I think about the number of times that God has been faithful to me even when I was not faithful to Him. I think about the number of times that God has provided for me when I did not see any way out. I think about the number of times when I had no hope or I thought I could not go on, and somehow as He always does, God came through. 

Because of what I have seen God do, I can trust Him, even in times when I have many more questions than answers. I choose to trust the God that I cannot see because of what I have seen him do time and time again.

The Bible describes the above mindset as living “in Christ,” and that is what leads a follower of Jesus to a life of freedom. The book of Romans states…

“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.” (Romans 8:1-2)

The bottom line is, a life of faith cancels our fear, guilt, and worry and replaces it with hope, joy, and peace. 

Living in this freedom will make us better husbands and wives, parents and employees, and friends and neighbors. It will change our lives and the lives of those around us. 

What the world needs more than anything else is to see people who are living lives of faith and experiencing the freedom that comes in Christ.