On November 17, 2022 Family Resource Group Inc. held our first Family Favorites Winner’s Circle Happy Hour at Superior Grill. Local businesses came by to celebrate their newly acquired family favorite title with fellow winners and runner ups and network amongst themselves sharing their business vision, mission, and goals with each other. This year, over 180,000 people took part in the voting. Emily Mancuso, the director of marketing at Family Resource Group inc, explains “When we say readers choice, it really is the readers and the individuals in the community that are voting for y’all, so when you are reader’s choice and you’re standing here today, it means that people who vote for your product and service really trust you, love you, and want to support you.” We here at Family Resource Group Inc. are honored to be able to highlight these amazing businesses and will continue to strive to be a resource for the community like we has been for the past 32 years! Check out our 2022 Family Favorites by picking up a physical copy of the November issue of the magazine or on our website at brparents.com!
Family Favorites 2022