• Occupation ▪ ENT Doctor
  • Husband ▪ Dr. Jimmy Lalonde
  • Children ▪ James, 18; Isabella, 15; Sophia, 13; and Amelia, 11
  • Hobbies ▪ Riding bikes, exercising, reading, traveling, and shopping

A busy schedule is the norm for Dr. Elise Scallan Lalonde, but since the stay-at-home order was put into place, life for Dr. Elise has managed to speed up and slow down, all at the same time. 

Navigating from appointments with her patients at her office to one child’s activity to the next has been replaced with downtime spent on the couch, helping her children finish school remotely, playing card games, painting, and still making sure she is available for her patients.

It has been quite the change, but Dr. Elise takes it all on with a smile on her face and a positive attitude.

How would you describe raising your children?
So far, we’ve had 18 years of fun-filled, busy, active times. Some times have been more challenging than others. We’ve had a huge change in pace. All of them are active in sports and because of staying at home, we’ve had so much downtime sitting on the couch.

What do you like to do as a family?
We have so many wonderful memories of vacations together. Going on family trips is very important to us. However, now, we’ve been riding bikes more than we have in 10 years, playing cards, and painting.

What’s the greatest thing about being a mom?
The closeness and bond I have shared with them over the years. I wouldn’t trade it for anything, even the hard times. 

What was your latest mom win?
We haven’t dressed up since we haven’t had any places to go, but I do like my family to look nice. So on Easter, everyone came down looking presentable and perfectly dressed. I was super excited about that.

How has parenthood changed you?
It took me from being an independent person, and by nature, a more self-centered person and caused me to put their needs first and find ways to help them succeed. I really matured more than I ever imagined.

What do you love most about your job?
I love the day-to-day interactions with my patients, from the infants to the elderly. I enjoy helping someone to feel better. It’s great knowing I can do something to help them.

How has parenting changed your work ethic?
Before I had children, the way I approached my patients was so different. Now, I see through a different light. I’m way more sensitive, and I’m a more understanding doctor. 
How do you make time to relax?
Usually at night and the first thing in the morning. I’ll read and relax, give myself time to think a little bit. When I can, a nice vacation and a spa treatment.

What’s your favorite date night?
We’re simple people. We will go to a restaurant we love and have a drink at the Country Club, then home to watch a movie on Netflix. 

What kind of mom are you?
I am very involved and active in everything. I enjoy helping them. I’m definitely approachable for them. They know they can talk and entrust in me. That’s always been my goal.

What do you hope to instill in your children?
Good values and to serve as a good role model. 

What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Two things: dirty, wet clothes on the floor and dirty dishes left in the sink.

What are some things you want to do that are still on your bucket list?
Definitely travel more. We had a trip planned to Italy this summer that we have had to cancel, so Italy is still on that list.

What did you have as a child that kids today don’t have?
I had more time to be a child. There weren’t as many structured activities. 

Which family member has been your greatest role model in life?
My mother. I remember how hard she worked, and seeing her work in a hospital inspired me. I would go to work with her growing up and get to play with the microscopes.

Do you have any advice for other parents?
Listen to your children, and stay active with them; be a part of their lives. 

The parenting item I couldn’t live without…
wall calendar.
In my fridge, you will always find…milk.
Favorite movie growing up…The Breakfast Club.
My guilty pleasure is…long, warm bubble baths.
Music I’m loving…Adam Levine.
I feel my best when I’m…with my husband and children.
My favorite television show is…Ozark.
My favorite ice cream is…Bluebell Coffee.
My dream travel spot is…Italy.