I sat on the floor of the toy store holding five different toys. Questions about appropriate development ran through my mind. What would be best for my one year old? What would stimulate and fascinate my three year old? After sifting through the aisles of the store and finding what I was sure to be “the one,” my little one still ended up playing with the packaging the toy came in instead of the actual toy, and my three year old was into his toy for two days before he buried it somewhere and forgot about it. I want to find what’s best for them developmentally that they will love!
So, how do you make sure you’re getting toys that the child will want to play with while also encouraging their development?
Victoria’s Toy Station recommends that parents buy for the age of the child and not push advanced toys too early. Sounds simple enough, right? For those of you still scratching your head on what to buy, here are a few ideas to help get you started with your one, two, and three year olds.
Age 1: Stacking blocks, musical instruments, Jack in the Box, and rocking horses.
Age 2: Dolls, tricycles, art and activity tables, and fold-n-go trampolines.
Age 3: Pretend play kitchens, easels, and cash registers.
And if you find entering big box stores a hassle, Victoria’s Toy Station offers VTS Express, a personalized shopping experience where moms, parents, grandparents, and kids can get the classic toys everyone loves quickly and easily. They even offer gift wrapping and party decor, too! Victoria’s Toy Station specializes in custom and classic gifts that will stand the test of time, even kid’s time.
Not only that, Victoria’s Toy Station also plays an active role in our community! VTS has created events that benefit the customers as well as worthy causes. They recently collected supplies for flood victims and held a Lemon-AID Stand to raise money for families in our community.
For more information, visit facebook.com/victorias.t.station.