I don’t know about you, but sometimes when thinking about people in the Bible, I can get overwhelmed by the thought that I could never live up to the “heroes of the faith.” As kids, we only learn the children’s story version, but when we take a closer look at the lives of people like Abraham, Moses, and David, we see that they are actually imperfect and flawed, people who lied, committed sexual sin, and even murder. God doesn’t give us unattainable examples, instead, He chooses to partner with people who say “Yes” to Him despite their overwhelming weaknesses. He uses their willingness to obey, and in His faithfulness, He accomplishes far more through them than they ever could on their own.
I try so hard to be a patient and loving mom to my little girls. But I’ll be honest, there are a lot of days when I fall short. Days when I’ve raised my voice or been distracted, days when I feel lazy or allow stress to steal my joy. I experience a sense of guilt and shame in these moments, wondering how I can pull myself out, or on harder days, wanting to escape. This is when I have to remind myself that: “It’s not all on me.”
God didn’t create me to carry the load of life on my own. In fact, it’s just the opposite. He created me to experience His continual faithfulness and love by coming to Him with my failures and leaning into His strength to supply all my needs. Psalm 86:15 says: “But you, Oh Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” When I know this truth, I can leave the guilt and shame over my shortcomings behind and pursue a place of peace, knowing that each day is an opportunity to walk in grace from God. As God’s love is my foundation, I can extend that same love and mercy to my children, my husband, and everyone in my life, praying that they will also experience knowing God’s strength in their weaknesses. ■