Jenny Iverstine leads her family each day with kindness and compassion. While her house is often busy with children running in and out, Jenny wouldn’t change a thing. She loves being so close with her kiddos and spending time with them. In fact, her little ones inspired her to begin Circles + Scissors Handwashing and Momma Bear Wear. Whether spending time with her family or educating the children of our community on proper handwashing techniques, Jenny has a way of spreading joy wherever she goes.

Tell me about your children.
Rose is our first born. She’s strong, beautiful, and a great student. She loves to cook, and she really encompasses her name. Paul is your new bestie. He keeps us laughing with his funny one liners. He’s sweet and full of joy.

What are things you like to do as a family? 
We are big bike riders. We like to ride bikes around the neighborhood. We’re an active, roll-in-the-dirt family. If it has wheels or helmets, we’re probably doing it. We also have Nacho Movie Night, where we all make nachos and watch movies together.

What’s your favorite family game to play with your kids?
My son is obsessed with Monopoly. It has helped so much with his math.

What inspired you to start your business?
Nine years ago, I had my first child. She had big blue eyes and a lot of hair. People loved to touch and grab her, but during flu season, one person stuck his fingers in her mouth. Being a first time mom, I was worried. I wanted to be a voice for mothers, so I started making onesies that said, “Momma says, ‘Wash Your Hands,’” and it progressed into protecting kids and raising awareness on the importance of handwashing.

What do you love most about your job?
Connecting with the kids, teachers, and moms. I’m a stay-at-home mom, and I have felt isolated at times. This is a way to draw me back into the community. I love teaching kids and helping moms.

What’s the greatest thing about being a mom? 
Seeing the world through their eyes. Your lenses change, and everything is exciting and new. They take the mundane things and fill them with joy.

How has parenthood changed you?
It has caused me to appreciate little moments. It makes you stop and acknowledge the simple beauties in life. 

How do you find the balance between managing a business and family time?
The best I can. I am very blessed that my husband is able to work full time. He carries a lot, and he is so supportive. We work as a team, and the kids love what I do so much. They often go with me to teach, and they have so much fun. They were the inspiration for this, so we squeeze in family time whenever we can.

What do you do to take care of yourself?
I love a good girls night out. Also, treating myself to a pedicure.

What kind of mom would you describe yourself as?
The kind of mom who buys herself rollerblades for Christmas so she doesn’t miss out on the fun. I love being with my kids. I want to be a mom who is there and always open with her kids.

What personality trait of yours do you hope your children also get?
I hope they are gracious to other people, and that they love and forgive easily, have fun, and find joy in art and the outdoors.

What’s the most difficult thing you have experienced?
In November of 2016, we lost our son, John David. He lived long enough to know that he was loved. His brief life changed ours forever and reminds us daily to live each day and love one another with intention.

What advice do you often give your children?
Wash your hands! Also, to be kind. Our big message is that our words matter and have meaning. Language is so important. What kids hear goes into their hearts. I want them to respect one another, love one another, and love the Lord.

What’s the best parenting advice you have ever received?
Children are like sponges. Some children’s sponges are drier than others. Some need more hugs and some are more independent. So, making sure to spend more time with them if their sponges are more dry.

Do you have any advice for other parents?
To trust their instincts. Parents can be so critical of themselves, so I would encourage them to not be so hard on themselves. Know that you are the best mom for your kid. ■

Quick Q&A
The parenting item I couldn’t without…soap.
In my fridge, you will always find…oranges.
Favorite movie growing up…Grease.
My guilty pleasure is…cream in my coffee, cookies and cream ice cream, and dark chocolate.
Music I’m loving…blues and Jazz.
I feel my best when I…bring joy to the people around me.