Interesting Facts about our beloved tiger, mascot, and state icon

On October 11, 2016, the Bengal/Siberian tiger that gave us so much joy over the last nine years passed away. His presence was a constant source of joy and wonder for all who met at his cage, visited him, and watched in awe at his powerful grace. We want to honor him by sharing these interesting facts and stories about him.

Mike VI was born in 2005 at Great Cats of Indiana, a nonprofit sanctuary and rescue facility for big cats.

Originally named Roscoe until he came to Baton Rouge. 

As a cub, he loved to watch tv and snuggle with his caretaker, Steve. 

He was 320 lbs. when he arrived as a two year old. 

His LSU debut was in September of 2007.

Mike VI’s weight most his adult life was 420-500 lbs.

11 years old

Dr. Baker, his veterinarian, says “Mike VI has turned out to be perhaps the best in a long line of great LSU tiger mascots.”

MIke VI loved to sleep, hated mornings, and was always slow to wake up.

Mike’s Habitat is 13,000 sq ft., and now a memorial to the great tiger. 

Mike Memories

“My daughter, Elliott, loves Mike the Tiger. During her final visit with him, she was so happy because he turned to look at her when she talked to him–as he always did. While we were there, I explained to her that Mike was going to live with Jesus soon and she said, ‘Don’t worry Mom, Jesus will take care of Mike and make sure he has a big cage in heaven.’ She also brought Mike a ‘very special rock’ that she left outside his habitat and said to him, ‘Bye, Mike. I hope you like your new house.’  It was a very special moment.”

– Blair Breaux Richard 

“The last time I saw him was at the last football game I went to last year. We would also visit him at his cage and go up to the gate, I am going to miss him! I hope that  we get a new tiger.”

– Kylee F., 8