Coming from a family of all girls, I never pictured myself as a boy mom. But one, two, three rambunctious boys later, I’m knee-deep in the waters of Legos, mud, and potty words, and it doesn’t look like I’m getting out anytime soon. You, too, may be a mom of boys. Read on to find out.
- Your kids scream and hide their eyes every time a Disney princess gets kissed.
- You know all of the best spots for catching frogs, salamanders, and crawdads.
- You have PTSD from being sprayed in the face by a fountain of urine during diaper changes.
- Your kids know all of the characters in Star Wars.
- Pillow fights and wrestling with Daddy are the best part of your kids’ day.
- Your couch cushions double as fort walls.
- You have no trouble finding someone to kill a spider for you.
- You can tie a superhero cape around a neck in less than 10 seconds.
- You hear siblings screaming and slamming doors one minute, then sounds of laughter and happy playing the next.
- Your children wear their underwear backwards just so the big Buzz Lightyear can be on the front.
- You are sadly familiar with the stabbing pain of stepping on a Lego.
- You own multiple pairs of cleats, football pads, or baseball gloves.
- Your kids not only know their ABCs, they can burp them proudly.
- Flatulence is followed by laughter instead of red cheeks in your house.
- Your children take pride in bruises, Band-Aids, and stitches.
- You cook meals in large quantities (and they’re still hungry).
- The only way your kids will play with Barbies is with scissors and matches.
- You’ve sat for an hour in front of a creek while your kids throw rocks in the water.
- One of your kids wants to be a ninja spy when he grows up.
- Your children are more experienced in “giving trees a drink” than using a restroom.
- Anything, including a vacuum attachment, can become a sword at any moment.
- You’ve been asked to feel someone’s muscles today.
- You’ve tried every household cleaner known to man but still can’t get rid of the urine smell around the toilet.
- You’ve gotten your kids to eat spaghetti and meatballs by calling it “worms and eyeballs.”
- You have a hard time finding another cup for the new handful of “flowers” outstretched in the hands in front of you.
- Your kids treat you like the only princess around.